Lady Fox

Luminary Activation Circle

 Embody your divine luminous essence 

Bring your inner luminary essence out to play

Hello beautiful soul,

Can you relate to any of these personal aspirations?

Deep down you know you have a purpose, you just don’t know how to find it. You have incredible dreams but you don’t know what they mean.

You’d love to live more in the flow, to feel like you’re consciously creating your life instead of life happening to you. You’re yearning to bring more magic into your daily life, but you don’t know how.  And honestly, maybe you’re a little afraid. There have been times you’ve felt like the only one who sees the world differently.

Too many of us have been conditioned to hide our love for the magical and the divine. So you keep your crystals and tarot cards behind doors, dimming your light, denying the wisdom of your soul. You give too much to others and end up feeling drained, depleted, anxious or indecisive.

No more, Soul Sister. It’s time to step into a new paradigm and embrace who you really are. It’s time to embody your divine essence.

It’s time to activate your inner luminary essence.

Inside every goddess there is a divine feminine energy, soulful and stylish, a luminary of light and love.

To activate your inner luminary essence is to live your best life. To honour your soul, illuminate your true self, stand in your joy and embrace your authentic power.
To activate your luminary essence means taking exquisite care of yourself, embracing everyday rituals, flowing with the rhythm of the moon and honouring your wisdom and beauty, inside and out.
Let me show you how.

I’m Penelope Dudgeon, designer, visionary, crystal lover, moon reader, healer, space holder and founder of Lady Fox.

Since I was a child, I have loved the moon, crystals and tarot cards. I have always known I was a starseed and felt very different to others. Everyday tasks like visiting a shopping centre, or moving through a crowd would deplete my energy for days and I was often told I was too sensitive to others actions or emotions.

I was an adult before I discovered that I am a sensitive empath and life finally began to make more sense. I began to fill my life with beautiful healing rituals and sacred practices, to activate my inner goddess every day. I learned how to protect my energy from others, connected with my soul, found my life purpose and started showing up as my true self.

Now, I feel joy, bliss and a consistent flow of energy all day. I sleep well at night, creative downloads come easily and going out into the world feels effortless. I’ve learned how to balance my inner masculine and feminine energy, so I can connect with my divine power and take aligned action.

As I’ve embraced who I am, I have called in my starseed friends and soul family and I feel connected, accepted by a beautiful community of like-minded people.

I want that for you too.

Right now, gathering in groups is more important than ever

With all the fear, turmoil and uncertainty in the world, coming together as a group to set powerful intentions and share sacred rituals elevates our crystalline healing power for the good of ourselves, humanity and Mother Gaia.

So how did the Luminary Activation Circle come about?

When my mother passed away, I was sorting out her possessions and found a blue box containing a sceptre quartz healing crystal, and a handmade book of ceremonies. When I opened the box, a beautiful note told of how sceptre quartz crystals were worn by the high priestesses of Atlantis and Lemuria. The crystals were used in healing ceremonies to bring the spirituality of higher planes and focus the energy deep within the ‘heart of the matter’. 

This sacred gift from my Mum was a sign from the universe that it was time for me to step into my power and share all of the goddess wisdom I have learned over the last decade.

That’s why I created the Luminary Activation Circle

In this 2 month Luminary Circle we will work with sacred rituals and the cycles of the moon to activate the goddess in you, so you can bring more magic to your everyday life.

You will:

Create time for sacred space.
Bring beautiful and nurturing rituals into every day so you can feel energised and inspired.
Rediscover your touch of stardust and open up to the magnificent power of the universe.
Align with your soul essence, so you can co-create the life you desire.
Access your intuition, your inner guidance system that is there waiting for you.
Connect with your soul’s purpose.
Experience the potent healing energy of setting intentions, meditating and sharing rituals in a sacred space.
Learn how to protect your energy from external busyness and negativity, so you can feel more joy, bliss and soul connection.
Learn how to live from your sacred heart space, and quieten your busy mind.
Connect with a beautiful community of like-minded souls who will support you on this incredible journey.
Give back to Mother Gaia and humanity by collectively meditating together each week.

You are the light.
It’s time for you to shine

How it works

The Luminary Activation Circle is a live experience, with our gatherings coinciding with the phases of the moon.

Here’s what’s included:

LIVE calls together with recordings aligning with the moon phases, no need to worry about missing a thing.
Private Facebook Community. Connect with beautiful community of like-minded goddesses and receive support between calls.

We’ll get together live on Zoom in sync with the moon for the following experiences:

set our intentions for our activation journey.
(Vision casting, vision board exercise)
sound healing, quantum frequency healing
Oracle card messages
cacao ceremony
Full moon release fire ceremony

What you’ll discover

The content and rituals shared in each circle are bespoke to the group and the current phases of the moon. I’ll be guided to share rituals and sacred knowledge that may include:

create your own (quick) morning/evening rituals (wake up, exercise, meditate, set intentions, frequencies) in your daily routine
Meditate/frequency healing collectively as a group with oracle card messages
Creating personal core values
Vision casting, vision board exercise, intention setting, ‘Reality creation’ in the holographic field of reality from the conscious realm
Surround yourself with beauty, set up an altar, create a scared space
Health and wellness - remember your body is a temple
Energetic hygiene, how to protect your energy, how to cleanse your energy
Mindset, changing the way you speak, words are your manifestations
From investing as little as 5 mins per day to your daily routine, this will to transform and activate your luminary essence making you feel more flow, energy, grounded in your sacred heart in every moment.

When our circle is complete, you may notice any or all of these magical transitions

You’ll feel nurtured, empowered and inspired to live life on your terms.
You’ll have more clarity around your life and your direction.
You’ll feel connected to your purpose and your gifts
You’ll have a more positive mindset, so you can move through everyday with more ease.
You’ll feel greater compassion for yourself and others, so you can ride through the ups and downs of life more evenly.
You’ll feel deeper self-acceptance and make a commitment to self-care, so you can honour the goddess in you.
You’ll feel connected to the true essence of your inner divine feminine goddess.
You’ll feel your heart opening to the magic of the universe, so you can embody love and light.
You will be giving back to humanity by healing the collective template as we meditate together sending love to Mother Gaia and all of humanity.

If these words speak to you, then I invite you to join me on this magical journey to connect with your soul’s wisdom and activate your inner goddess.

I would love to walk beside you as you experience the joy, bliss, love and soul connection of embodying your essence as a luminary of light and love.

Together, let’s begin your new soul journey .

Love Penelope x 

Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus 1

Personal voice analysis scan – healing sounds specifically for your own voice tone emailed to you to balance your emotions and make you feel more peaceful each day. Valued at $111

Bonus 2

Goddess pack – Ceremonial grade cacao sample, Bush flower essences specially chosen for the group, crystal imprinted with blueprint frequencies

Bonus 3

Daily Ritual Tracker to keep on track with your goddess rituals in your daily routine.

Its time to activate your inner luminary essence


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